The 5th Quarter on KING5 airs immediately after Sunday Night Football as a big primetime post game show on the Seahawks.
The show has a distinct advantage with that big lead-in, including the partnership between the team and the station. They get the guests that they want, at home and away (and they travel to every road game), so in a sense it is not a fair comparison to Fox 13's Gameday weak post and KIRO's mealy efforts.
After the win over NY, I checked in and found that Paul Silvi was live on tape with both Steve Raible and Dave Wyman, who had called the game on the radio network. Steve is a weekly guest, but they apparently added Wyman because regular co-host Walter Jones, the hall of fame lineman, was off.
I am not a fan of what Jones adds, but know that he brings a true Seahawks following and admiration for his participation. Personally, Matt Hasselbeck, who has had national exposure on ESPN and now a guests Mondays on FSI, would be a big improvement, because he seems to be somewhat available. Maybe next year, or the playoffs?
Chris Egan adds highlights and flavor, and the Silvi and company are so experienced at doing these shows, that they come off really, really smooth with a nice full finishing tagboard of viewer pics.
I will revisit the show when Jones is on to objectively observe his expertise and contribution to the program.
This show is a much watch for me. I really look forward to it after a win.