Former Sinclair News Boss to Sinclair Seattle???

Reports circulating that former SFO news boss and Las Vegas ND (from Sinclair there) is a possible candidate to replace Phil Bruce at Sinclair's KOMO in Seattle.  Mark Neerman worked for Sinclair at KSNV inVegas, then bailed to go to the CBS owned station in SFO, KPIX. That didn't end well, so he went entrrprenurial to start a consulting group with the Cox stations that quickly went belly up.  So he is looking for a new gig and Sinclair might be a source.  His rep is being a 'show doctor' at other stations in Louisville and Richmond.  But it is not about 'shows' anymore.   It's about streaming and heavy digital.  And Sinclair is soon going to Vision Pro to make the newscasts more exciting (that may be up his alley) and, at the same time, destructing its newsrooms in various markets.  The current KOMO ND is here until the end of the year.  We shall see if this was just an interview, or something more significant.


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