Eric Sandoval worked at the old NWCN in the mid-late 2000s and perhaps you caught his anchor work. He is now in Orlando at WKMG and announced today that he just learned he is battling prostate cancer. He pioneered two segments that were ahead of their time, the Quickcast (which later became a staple of 1:00 news on smart phones) and Digital Extra (which led viewers to links on important stories). He also anchored briefly on KING5. A link to his story:
"I am no longer at Komo 4." Thanks. Longtime Weather Anchor Rebecca Stevenson confirms that she left the station just before Christmas. Her last Facebook posts are 12/17. She has the Seattle station Quintafecta, having worked at the old NWCN, KING, KIRO, KCPQ and KOMO. Looks like her decision. Wants a new chapter. She was doing mainly weekend evenings for KOMO. Perhaps Stella Sun will move there. She has been sharing weekend mornings with Theron Zahn.
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