KOMO continues to Decline or is it Deklein?

Sure it's one typo, but the post on X has had multiple comments, including one of my own, and it remains uncorrected and laughable.   KOMO's content is sub-standard already.  They don't need flubs like this.  FEELING police????

1 person is dead, and 2 others were injured in Thurston County by a reckless driver who was feeling law enforcement on Saturday:


  1. Again, proofreading is just not done anymore.

  2. KING 5 -- PLEASE! I felt like calling KING 5's Brady Wakayama about this story he posted online. A glitch or two in the phrasing or spelling had me boiling. ENOUGH! Do they care so little? I have a link to the printed PDF version, in case they go back to correct a story that was posted nearly 24 hours ago. What am I seeing? Does the way this was written bother anyone else? You started this, Wayne. Now I am hyper-sensitive to this, dammit. https://qzvx.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/KING-5-no-proof-reading.pdf

  3. @KING5Seattle @BradyWakayama
    Do a word-search on this article for the word "live" and ask yourself why that word is there rather than the word "leave". Have TV station news people given up on proof-reading? This happens all too often.

  4. Minor complaint maybe? But, I think Ed Asner's Lou Grant character would be just as upset.

  5. Like you, i am a stickler for grammar and spelling, and when I taught at UW, I was up close and personal by young people who text slop and don't care about how they present themselves. Not to mention, I used to read scripts for KING and corrected a lot. I cannot imagine how bad it is now.

  6. And then I have people calling out errors and omissions on my blog. Fair is fair.

  7. LOL...you will always been a good stickler


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