A Krack in the Kraken Broadcast Team


Seattle Kraken bids farewell to a member of it s broadcast team, namely Nick Olczyk.  It's apparently on to the Utah team, new home of the moribund Phoenix Coyotes.    His parting words:

Dear Seattle, Thank you for 2 phenomenal years. The lifelong friends I’ve made, tremendous memories, and being part of an incredible broadcast team are the moments and people I’ll never forget and will always hold close to my heart. To the organization, I’m forever grateful for the opportunity you afforded me to help bring to life the greatest sport in the world to hockey fans all over the globe. To the #SeaKraken fans, your passion and love for your team is something I’ve always admired and I thank you all for your support during my time on your televisions and radios. I’m absolutely thrilled for what’s to come next, thanks for everything Seattle 🙏🏻


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