Radio man says goodbye to his buddy.


Great FB post from friend and former colleague Brian Calvert, who bids a fond farewell to his beloved headphone buddy that he has worn for more than a decade on KOMO and KNWN radio in Seattle. He took a parting picture of them, too (below). Catch Brian doing weather on KOMO TV on weekends.

"RIP Stan
For the last decade plus, I’ve worn these funny looking, one-eared earphones on the radio. Why one ear you ask? With one ear uncovered, I can hear enough ambient room sound that I don’t shout. Plus, I can rotate ears, as I try to make both of them last a little longer.
Alas, today they stopped working. Years of wear means there’s a broken wire somewhere along the line. Can’t you just get another set, Brian? Nope. They don’t make em any longer. So, I’ll return to the industry standard Sony MDR 7506. Two earphones, so I’ll just move side above my ear.
Yes, I’m whining. But there have been many many changes in radio over the last decade. This old earphone was a constant friend I was close to everyday 🙂"


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