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My review: The Nightly Seattle Sports Show Nobody Needed

Fox 13 Seattle debuted its new weeknight sports show Monday night.   It's called Washington Sports Wrap, and I found it pedestrian at best, boring at worst.  Nothing new, nothing special, nothing unique except the time slot, nothing off the top selling the viewer on the show's mission, what was ahead in the half-hour (it's called a billboard), no reason to spend a 30 minutes of time.  The sides of the set featured the same props and knick-knacks from the morning set of Studio 13 Live, as Fox spares no expense in producton values.  LOL.   A former Seahawk named Bryan Walters co-hosted.  Who?  I don't remember him, nor does he create any buzz, nor is he a draw.  Alyssa Charlton interviewing the station's digital reporter (nothing like a reporter interviewing another reporter -- such insight!).

Aaron Levine opened in front of a Jeopardy category matrix board, saying the show will take on all competitors.  Like Jeopardy on KOMO at 730, and Evening on KING?   Yeah, sure.   Oh, you mean the Olympics, too, right now?  It had a couple of filler segments like "Fair or Foul" and then Walters answering Seahawks trivia to close the show.  Drivel.

No mention that I heard of the Mariners trade for Turner?  And the show is called a Sports WRAP?

Judging a show on night one is always a caution, but the first impression means everything.  It did not deliver.  Poorly produced.

Save yourself the trouble.



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